Meet today's #MissionStaffSpotlight
Name: Briana Bolduc
City/Town: Regina
Mission Staff role: Communications
If you see someone walking around with a funky green camera, always asking to take your picture, that’s Briana. This will be Briana’s third time as Mission Staff at a Canada Games taking on the communications role. See what advice she has to give!
Q: Why did you want to be Mission Staff for the Prince George 2015 Canada Winter Games?
A: Being able to capture special moments for the participants and interact with them through social media and the website is just a lot of fun. Games become addicting after you've tried out the Mission Staff role!
Q: Any words of advice?
A: Athletes, Coaches & Managers: Try to go and cheer on your teammates from other sports whenever you can. Being at a multi-sport games is a unique opportunity to be part of a bigger team. There is a lot going on, and we all need the support of each other!
Parents/Family members: The Mission Staff are really good at finding the best restaurants in town. Ask you sport’s mission staff person for advice on good eats.
Host Society: Things always work out.
Volunteers: You probably don't have to worry about actually trading pins. Find a sucker mission staff who will just give you one as a thank you for your help. ;)